An Afternoon With Fire
After a morning of freezing in the air conditioning all morning, Lindsay stepped outside and felt The Sun shine down on her. The fresh sunlight was bright and welcome after hours in the florescent lights. The world outside was full of beautiful colors, the green of the trees, the blue of the sky, the red and yellow of the coreopsis, the black of the asphalt. She felt the warmth of The Sun pour through her and displace the cold. Having been so cold, it was nice to feel the warmth seep in and experience the heat that had been trapped inside the car.
The element of fire can be comforting, mesmerizing, alluring, cleansing, and frightening. It cooks our food, lights our path, brings us comfort in the form of a nightlight, it inspires us, it centers us. Fire connects us with spirit, ourselves, and each other.
Come join us for an afternoon at the High Springs Emporium Rock Shop as we learn about and deepen our connection with fire.
High Springs Emporium Rock Shop
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Call to register 386-454-8657
19765 NW U.S. Highway 441
High Springs FL 32643
Explore fire,
Touch the fire within,
Take home ways to connect with Fire
Through fire you can find
strength, beauty, peace, energy, light, warmth, connection, ancestors, inspiration, magic...