Find classes and resources here to research and understand alternative spirituality.
Upcoming Events

Finding Your Sponsor Deities
June 6-9
We each come to this life with 6 Sponsor Deities. They are with us from Conception to death. Would you like to learn how to find them?
Event Registration Required
An Afternoon With Fire
June 29 12-3pm
The element of fire can be comforting, mesmerizing, alluring, cleansing, and frightening. It cooks our food, lights our path, brings us comfort in the form of a nightlight, it inspires us, it centers us. Fire connects us with spirit, ourselves, and each other.
Event Registration Required

Connect With Fire Retreat
August 21-25
Join us in Elijay, Georgia for 5 days of relationship deepening with the element of Fire.
Event Registration required

Ready for Samhain
September 27-29
How, When, and Why should you celebrate Samhain? The answers to all 3 of those questions are unique to each individual. Come join us to identify the answers personal to you.
Event Registration Required

Sprang Weaving
Oct 30-Nov 3
Sprang is a unique type of weaving that was done by all cultures. Sprang is used to make bags, hammocks, leggings, hats, belts, shirts, and other items. It can be done without equipment. It is ADD friendly and pretty easy to learn.
Event Registration required

Valhalla - What? Why? Who?
Oct 30-Nov 3
There are lots of theories online about Valhalla. What is it? Why does it exist? Who goes? How do they get there? What do they do? Do they leave? Can we talk with them?
Event Registration required

Games of Our Ancestors
Learning the games of the ancient past, allows us to connect with our ancestors and learn more about who they were. And playing new games can be fun!
Event Registration required

Connecting with Ancestors Retreat
Learning the games of the ancient past, allows us to connect with our ancestors and learn more about who they were. And playing new games can be fun!
Event Registration required
Background pixabay.com forest-4681820 by Blackbird2810
Other images
pixabay.com grave-2036220 by RobVanDerMeijden
pixabay.com religion-3727463 by geralt