The element of air can be elusive, especially when compared to the other very tangible elements. Air as an element can help in many ways if you can connect with it. Come learn about and explore the element of air. Take time away from the busy world and find your connection with air. Learn ways to continue that connection when you return home.
4 participants
Sleeping arrangements - Shared room, 4 beds (queen, full sofa bed, trundle, twin), 1 full shared bath
Location - 5 acres, sacred circle, fire pit, outdoor seating, deck, rabbit & quail farm, garden
Rates $650-$850 plus tax
All meals (most diets can be accommodated with notice),
dinner 1st day, 3 meals/day plus snacks, breakfast and box lunch on last day
All supplies
Extra free time activities
Sample schedule, subject to change
Day 1
3pm Arrival
Settle-in, Free time
6pm 3-4 Course Dinner
7pm Opening
Day 2 & 3
7am Sun Greeting (optional)
8am Self-serve Breakfast - fruit, cereal, waffles, eggs, coffee, tea
Free time
10am-12pm Workshop 1
Free time
12:30pm Lunch
Free time
2-4pm Workshop 2
Free time
5:30pm Dinner
Free time
7-9pm Evening Activity
Campfire available
Day 4
7am Sun Greeting (optional)
8am Self-serve Breakfast - fruit, cereal, waffles, eggs, coffee, tea
Free time
10am-11am Closing
Box Lunch to order
1pm Departure
During Free time -
Walk, Enjoy nature, Relax, Journal, Choose 1 of several suggested on your own activities
*There are 2 large dogs on this property. They will be kept under owner's control at all times, out of lodging area, and away from participants for the most part.
Just Solutions Travel, LLC registered FL seller of travel